
Color Test

I found out about this color test from Gurney Journey Blog and had to try it out for myself...
and what a relief! My score was zero(0), and I have perfect color vision~!  LOL... 
Zero(0) is the perfect score meaning that you have perfect color acuity, and the higher number suggests that you have lower color acuity. Here's the link to the color test: Online Color Challenge
You just have to rearrange the colors in such a way that the gradations of colors are accurate :-)

어느 블로그를 통해 알게된 컬러테스트인데 다행이도 전 퍼펙트 점수를 받았습니다~!! ^^
0점이 완벽한 컬러비젼을 가졌다는 걸 말해주고 점수가 올라갈수록 컬러감각이 약하다는 것을 말해줍니다. 여러 색들이 나열되어 있는데 색의 변화가 자연스럽도록 재배치하시면 됩니다. 테스트는 여기로 --->   Online Color Challenge