The Broad

The Broad (A Contemporary Art Museum in Downtown Los Angeles, CA.)

In the Land of the Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow by Takashi Murakami (2014)acrylic on canvas (300 x 2500 x 7.3 cm)

Red Block by El Anatsui (2010/found aluminum and copper wire/509.91 x 334.01 cm)

Interior with African Mask by Roy Lichtenstein (1991)oil and Magna on canvas (289.56 x 370.84 cm)
Tulips by Jeff Koons (1995-2004)mirror-polished stainless steel with transparent color coating (203.2 x 457.2 x 520.7 cm)
Michael Jackson and Bubbles by Jeff Koons (1988)porcelain (106.68 x 179.07 x 82.55 cm

Balloon Dog (Blue) by Jeff Koons (1994-2000)mirror-polished stainless steel with transparent color coating (307.34 x 363.22 x 114.3 cm)
과연 이 중에서 제프 쿤스의 손으로 직접 제작한 작품이 있기는 한걸까...

Kiepenkerl by Jeff Koons (1987)stainless steel (180.3 x 66 x 94 cm)

Rabbit by Jeff Koons (1986)stainless steel (104.14 x 48.26 x 30.48 cm)

Jim Beam - J.B. Turner Train by Jeff Koons (1986)stainless steel, bourbon (27.94 x 289.56 x 16.51 cm)

Eat, Sleep and Drink by Richard Prince (1989)acrylic and silkscreen on canvas (190.5 x 294.64 cm)

Fountain (Buddha) by Sherrie Levine (1996)cast bronze (30.48 x 40.32 x 45.72 cm)
A Short History of Modernist Painting by Mark Tansey (1979-80)oil on canvas (182.88 x 182.88 cm)

Untitled (If you're so successful, why do you feel like a fake?) by Barbara Kruger (1987)photographic silkscreen on mirrored glass (55.88 x 266.7 cm)
Roy Toy by Barbara Kruger (1986)black and white photograph with silkscreen (351.79 x 229.87 cm)

Untitled (You are a very special person) by Barbara Kruger (1995)photographic silkscreen on vinyl (235.59 x 320.04 cm)

Under the Table by Robert Therrien (1994)wood, metal and enamel (297.2 x 792.5 x 548.6 cm)

Demonic Roland by David Salle (1987)acrylic and oil on canvas (238.76 x 345.44 cm)

Freudian Painting by Peter Halley (1981)acrylic and Roll-a-Tex on unprimed canvas (182.88 x 365.76 cm)

Forward Retreat by Mark Tansey (1986)
oil on canvas (238.76 x 294.64 cm)

Untitled (White Riot) by Robert Longo (1982)charcoal, graphite and ink on two paper panels (243.84 x 304.8 cm)

Deutschlands Geisteshelden by Anselm Kiefer (1973)oil and charcoal on burlap mounted on canvas (306.1 x 680.1 cm)
Joseph Beuys' works

Leaving Paphos Ringed with Waves (III) by Cy Twombly (2009)acrylic on canvas (267.34 x 212.09 x 3.49 cm)

Nini's Painting [Rome] by Cy Twombly (1971)oil based house paint, wax crayon, and lead pencil on canvas (260.99 x 300.36 cm)

사이 톰블리의 작품들... 아마도 이 그림들을 바라보며 저 정도는 나도 그릴 수 있겠다...라는 생각을 다들 한 번씩은 했겠죠.  ^^;

Ilium (One Morning Ten Years Later) [Part I] by Cy Twombly (1964)oil paint, lead pencil and wax crayon on canvas (200.03 x 210.19 cm)

Untitled (The Mathematical Dream of Ashurbanipal) by Cy Twombly (2000-09)bronze (104.46 x 53.02 x 54.13 cm)

The Rose (V) by Cy Twombly (2008)acrylic on wood panel (252.1 x 739.78 cm)

Untitled [New York City] by Cy Twombly (1953)oil based house paint and wax crayon on canvas (132.08 x 132.08 cm)

Untitled [Rome] by Cy Twombly (1961)oil paint, wax crayon and lead pencil on canvas (130.18 x 150.5 cm)

Ocean Park #90 by Richard Diebenkorn (1976)
oil on canvas
(254 x 205.74 cm)

Tips for Artists Who Want to Sell by John Baldessari (1966-68)acrylic on canvas (173.36 x 143.51 x 3.81 cm)
정말 적절한 조언인 듯.....^^

Green Angle by Ellsworth Kelly (1970)oil on canvas (177.8 x 586.74 cm)

Green Blue Red by Ellsworth Kelly (1963)oil on canvas (171.45 x 228.6 cm)

Blue Red by Ellsworth Kelly (1968)oil on canvas, two joined panels (187.33 x 409.26 cm)

위에 보이는 작품은 실제로 색이 무척 밝아서 오래 지켜보면 시야가 비정상으로 변하는 듯하더군요.
Untitled by Robert Rauschenberg (1963)oil and silkscreen inks on canvas (147.32 x 127 cm)

Flag by Jasper Johns (1967)encaustic and collage on canvas/three panels (85.09 x 142.88 cm)

Race Riot by Andy Warhol (circa 1963)screenprint on Strathmore drawing paper (76.52 x 101.6 cm)

Twenty Jackies by Andy Warhol (1964)silkscreen ink on linen (204.47 x 204.47 cm)

Dance Diagram [3] ["The Lindy Tuck-In Turn-Man"] by Andy Warhol (1962)casein on linen (177.17 x 137.16 cm)

Single Elvis [Ferus Type] by Andy Warhol (1963)
silkscreen ink and spray paint on linen (262.89 x 125.1 cm)
Two Marilyns by Andy Warhol (1962)acrylic, silkscreen ink, and pencil on linen (51.12 x 68.58 cm)

Most Wanted Men No. 6, Thomas Francis C. by Andy Warhol (1964) silkscreen ink on linen (121.92 x 198.12 cm)
 Self Portrait by Andy Warhol (1966) acrylic, silkscreen ink, pencil and ballpoint pen on linen (57.5 x 57.5 cm)

Big Electric Chair by Andy Warhol (1967-68)acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen (136.53 x 186.06 cm)

Hong Kong Stock Exchange II by Andreas Gursky (1995)chromogenic print mounted on Plexiglas in artist's frame (207.65 x 323.53 x 5.08 cm)

Seashells/Tridents/Frames by John Baldessari  (1988)five black and white photographs with oil tint and vinyl paint (246.38 x 391.16 cm)

Flower of Architecture by Mike Kelley (1986)acrylic on paper mounted on canvas (226.06 x 331.47 x 6.35 cm)

Obnoxious Liberals by Jean-Michel Basquiat (1982)
acrylic, oilstick, and spray paint on canvas ( 172.72 x 259.08 cm)

Horn Players by Jean-Michel Basquiat (1983)acrylic and oilstick on three canvas panels mounted on wood supports (243.8 x 190.5 cm)

Untitled by Jean-Michel Basquiat (1981)
acrylic and oilstick on canvas (205.74 x 175.9 cm)

이 곳에 전시된 바스키아 작품들을 실제로 본건 처음인데 그가 앤디 워홀을 만나지 않았더라면 젊은 나이에 마약중독으로 요절하지 않고 더 많은 작품들을 그려내지 않았을까하는 생각이 들더군요. 한편으론 앤디 워홀 때문에 더욱 유명해졌을 수도 있을 테지만... 

With Strings Two by Jean-Michel Basquiat (1983)acrylic, and oilstick on canvas (243.84 x 152.4 cm)

Untitled by Keith Haring (1984)acrylic on canvas (304.8 x 457.2 cm)

Some Things from Sleep: For Jane and Charley by David Wojnarowicz (1986)acrylic on masonite (121.92 x 182.88 cm)
Untitled (Your body is a battleground) by Barbara Kruger (1989)photographic silkscreen on vinyl (284.48 x 284.48 cm)

The Newspaper as National Voodoo: A Brief History of the U.S.A. by David Wojnarowicz (1986)acrylic, spray paint, and collage on wood (171.45 x 201.51 cm)

Pictures & Scripts: Honey - what words come to mind? by John Baldessari (2015)Diptych: varnished inkjet print on canvas with acrylic paint (274.3 x 171.5 x 3.8 cm)

Double America 2 by Glenn Ligon (2014)neon and paint (121.9 x 368.3 x 7.6 cm)

 데미언 허스트의 작품들도 있더군요. 그의 작품들을 찾아보면 동물애호가들이 극도로 혐오스러워할 만한 엽기적이고 잔인해보이는 작품들이 많던데 동물들의 뼈만 장식해놓은 이 작품은 그나마 무난한 듯합니다. 동물들의 뼈로 말하자면 자연사 박물관에 오히려 더 신기하고 멋진 작품들(?)이 많을텐데... 여하튼 예전에 영화 The Cell 을 보다가 그의 작품에 영감을 받은 듯한 장면이 있었는데 그래서 여러 작품들을 인터넷에서  찾아봤던 기억이 납니다... ^^

Something Solid Beneath the Surface of All Creatures Great and Small By Damien Hirst (2001)glass, stainless steel, nickel, brass, rubber, painted and lacquered MDF and animal skeletons (206.06 x 377.19 x 121.92 cm)

African't by Kara Walker (1996)cut paper on wall (365.76 x 2011.68 cm)

위에 보이는 작품은 곡선의 긴 벽을 다 차지하고 있는데 불쾌할 정도로 보기엔 거북한 그림들이지만 흑인노예사회를 풍자한 작품들을 주로 만드는 작가인가 봅니다.

Red Room by Keith Haring (1988)acrylic on canvas (243.8 x 454.7 cm)

Jean-Michel Basquiat's works

Possessed by Shirin Neshat (2001)single-channel video/sudio installation, 16 mm & 35 mm film transferred to video 

이 곳 전시품들 중에서 Possessed 라는 이 작품이 가장 기억에 남더군요. 묵직한 커튼을 열고 들어가면 스크린에 비디오 작품이 상영되고 있는데 독특하면서도 멋진 음악과 사운드가 더해지면서 섬뜩하지만 비주얼적으로도 궁금증을 자아내는 매력이 있는 작품이였습니다.

image: film © Shirin Neshat (The Broad art museum)

계단을 오르내릴 때 창고에 보관되어있는 작품들을 엿볼 수 있는 재미도 있습니다.


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